Quality complaints will be handled according to the general regulations of the textile industry.
Always check your order upon receiving.
Variation tolerance in the ordered products – i.e. size, color, quality variation – is +/-5%
(in accordance with the wholesale industry standards).
The refunding of modified items – i.e. printed/embroidered/tag changed – is not possible.
Please check received orders before making any changes to the products.
Our buyer is responsible to check the quality of the order, before handing it over to their buyers.
In case of error in the fulfillment of order, please contact our sales department in writing within 24 hours of delivery.
The UTT Europe Ltd. reserves the right to make decisions regarding the return of products that are deemed to quality issue.
To initiate a quality complaint, it is essential to provide, in addition to the conditions outlined in our current Return Policy,
a good-quality photo (resolution, brightness, visible defect) illustrating the issue.
In case of refund/exchange of any item, please forward the order/invoice number to your sales representative.
All returns must be given a return number in advance. Return and exchange of goods is possible after these previous
arrangements are made. Without a return number applied on the return parcel, our representative will not be able
to handle the parcel.
All items must be returned in their original packaging. In case of damaged packaging and/or damage in the item,
and for used items refund/exchange is not possible. The refund/exchange of underwear and shirt, is not possible
due to hygienic reasons.
UTT Europe Ltd. is not liable for any damage caused by improper use, to exchange/return such products is not possible.
Exchange without complaint and of unwanted items (ex. “I don’t like it” “I rather choose a different size/color”)
is not possible in wholesale marketing. However, we will refund/exchange undamaged items in their original packaging
within 60 days (including return time), for a 15%, but minimum 5€/invoice handling fee.
Products invoiced over 60 days, cannot be refunded.
Products purchased during final sale promotion, can only be returned in case of quality complaints.
Specially ordered, non-stock items are non-returnable!
Sizes differ with each brand. Always check sizes before placing the order.
Variation tolerance in size within the same brand is +/-5 %.)
Credit noting process for returned items might take 1-7 days, from acceptance of return.
All return parcels should be delivered to our warehouse at 2051. Biatorbágy, Budaörsi út 1. Hungary